
Search engines are so common nowadays. Google is the most popular web search engine. Facebook has a search engine for you to search for people, places, posts and other content you are interested in. Almost any website has a way to help you quickly find the specific information you are looking for on it, which is usually powered by an underlying search engine.

The general idea of a search engine looks very simple. You have a repository of documents, like web pages or Facebook posts. You build a software system based on this repository which answers keyword queries, like “X Y Z”, by returning a set of sorted documents that have some or all the keywords in the query.

The algorithm underneath a search engine looks very straightforward as well. Your search engine can go through all documents to find those documents which contain the keywords being searched.

The above ideas work for a small repository. However, this approach won’t work at all for a huge repository, say a billion document repository. This is because it may take forever for your software to go through every document before returning the results of your query.

This is a common phenomenon in computer engineering area. A problem works one way at a small scale, say a search on a few thousand documents. But when you try to extend to a much larger scale, say billions of documents, suddenly the problem looks very different.

An example is the Facebook website, which has almost 1.5 billion monthly active users and is completely different today from when it had only tens of thousands of users. Software engineers love to solve problems at scale, which is one of the biggest challenges in this area. There is an annual industrial conference called @scale to discuss solving problems at scale in computer engineering.

Back to building a search engine at scale. The smart idea is to first build an index, or an inverted index as it is called in technology terms. This lets the search engine quickly get all documents which contain the keywords in a query instead of going through every document on demand. An inverted index is very similar to the index of a thick book. It tells you in which documents you can find a specific keyword. The only difference is that an inverted index for a search engine is usually so huge that it can only be built by computers. It may even take thousands of computers to build.

So you can build a search engine for a huge repository using the technology of an inverted index, which needs a large amount of computation power to build. It can give you all documents which contain the keywords of a query.
However, that alone is far from a useful search engine. A huge part you are missing is document ranking. It’s very likely the inverted index gives you tens of thousands or even millions of documents for a query, because queries are usually short and documents are relatively much longer. It’s useless for a human to get such a big number of documents. Finding what you want in them is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Imagine if you had to look at the first 100 pages of Google’s search results before you found the web page you were looking for. Instead Google sorts all results according to some complicated algorithms so that people usually find what they want on the first Google search result page. That’s why Google is so popular and useful.

Document ranking is another big and challenging area about search engines. People have invented tons of smart algorithms to rank documents by lots of collected signals that are extracted from documents,queries and even the people who submit those queries.

Overall, 2 general ideas are behind a search engine: inverted index and document ranking. Both involve lots of techniques and have a lot of sub areas attracting enthusiastic engineers and researchers to put endless effort into improving them, little by little.

A type A can be bound to a function argument of type const B&, if there is an implicit ctor of B with an argument of A. The tricky part is a temporary object will be created and passed to the function as a const reference. If the function returns the argument itself or any member of it as a const reference, that reference will refer to a destructed object outside the function.

std::pair is a perfect example class for this, because it has a wild ctor.

template <class _U1, class _U2>
pair(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __p) : first(__p.first), second(__p.second) {}

Here is a complete example to show this.


I didn’t know in C++ you can write a code block, enclosed by ({}), as the condition of an if statement.

int main()
  if (({
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i =0; i &amp;lt; 1000; ++i) {
      sum += i;
    sum == 500 * 999;
  })) {
  std::cout &amp;lt;&amp;lt; &amp;quot;Correct!&amp;quot; &amp;lt;&amp;lt; std::endl;
  return 0;

Note that the last statement of the code block must be able to be evaluated to boolean value. Otherwise, the compiler will complain.


指数官网页面:http://www.hsi.com.hk/HSI-Net/HSI-Net 官网页面上可以查到最新的市盈率和股息率。

对应的ETF有恒生H股ETF, H股ETFH股分级基金B。其中H股分级基金B带杠杆,而且这个杠杆的优势是不会被强制平仓,适合在指数进一步下探时补仓买入。当然杠杆也不是免费的,需要付出融资利率和相对基金净值的溢价。


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《怎样提高工作效率》 译自 http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/productivity by Aaron Swartz


  • 选择正确的事情做

人生苦短,为什么要浪费时间在毫无价值的sb事情上呢?你可以从解决一些顺手的问题开始,但是你应该时常用这一标准来审视自己正在做的事情。 是否有更加重要的事情你可以做?你为什么不做另一件事情?这些问题很难回答清楚(如果你坚持这样反省,最终你会问自己为什么没有去解决这个世界上最重要的问题),但是每前进一小步都会提高你的效率。

  • 并行的做多件事情


  • 把你要做的事情列一个清单


  • 让你的清单融入你的生活




  • 随身带笔记本和笔

我认识的有趣的人都会在口袋里放一个笔记本。纸和笔在任何情况下都是有用的,比如你想写下什么,做个笔记,记下一个想法,等等。我曾经在地铁上写完了多篇文章。 (现在我已经用智能手机替代了笔记本,它不能像纸一样给别人一些信息,但是它让我总是有阅读的东西,并且我可以把我的笔记存入我的邮箱的收件箱,从而迫使我在稍后的某个时候处理这些笔记)。

  • 想办法避免被外界打扰


  • 吃好,睡好,坚持锻炼


  • 跟乐观有热情的人聊天

减轻心理压力非常难。结交乐观有热情的朋友有助于减轻心理压力。比如,每次我跟Paul Graham或者Dan Connolly聊天后,我总是觉得更有动力工作。他们这样有热情的人总是在向外“辐射“着能量,感染身边的人。人们想当然的认为离群索居深居简出更加利于工作,其实这样做容易使你情绪低落从而降低你的效率。

  • 跟他人分担压力


  • 拖延症和心理排斥力场



  • 分解问题


  • 简化问题


  • 持续的思考问题


  • 伪造一个别指派的问题


  • 一定不要给自己指派问题

我们常对自己说,“我需要把其他任何事情放下来完成这篇论文。” 更糟糕的做法是通过物质激励,比如,“写完这篇论文我就可以去吃些糖果了。” 最糟糕的是请别人督促你做事情。

  • 想办法让问题变得有趣



There is a wonderful algorithm to find the minimum mean weighted cycle of a edge-weighted directed graph. The algorithm is mentioned in one of exercises of CLRS. First calculate a 2D array dis[][] such that dis[k][v] is the length of the minimum k-path from a fake source node to node v. It is assumed that the fake source node has a zero weighted edge to each other node. If the path doesn’t exist, the length is considered infinite.
Then the mean weight of the MMWC is
Min { Max { (dis[n][v] – dis[k][v] ) / (n – k ) | k } | v }. *
The proof of the algorithm is as simple as the algorithm itself.
Assume that the MMWC of the graph has a mean weight 0. Let sdis[v] be the length of the shortest path from the source node to node v.
1. Max { (dis[n][v] – dis[k][v] ) / (n – k ) | k } must be non-negative, since if dis[n][v] is not infinite, there must be a cycle in its path and removing that cycle leads to a path with length dis[k][v] for some specific k. The total weight of the cycle is non-negative, so dis[n][v] – dis[k][v] >= 0.
2. Assume that a node v on a MMWC has the shortest path length from the source node among all nodes on that MMWC. It can be induced that for any node u on the MMWC,
sdis[u]=sdis[v] + cycle[v][u] ( cycle[v][u] is the length of MMWC path from v to u ). (1)
We can extend the sortest path from the source node to node v along the MMWC until we get a n-path at a cycle node u.
Assume that the shortest path from the source node to node u is a k-path, then from formula (1) we have dis[n][u] = dis[k][u], soformula (*) equals to 0.
3. If the mean weight of MMWC is t*, we can subtract t* from each edge’s weight and the proof still works.
It seems not trivial to find such a MMWC.

There are kinds of ranks and measures based on the link structure of the web to detect good or bad content. Some of interesting ones are described as follows.

  • Truncated PageRank
    In a general form, Google’s pagerank is to calculate PR(P)=Sum{ damping(t)/N * P^t * I | t=0,1,2,…}, where P is the normalized adjacent matrix of the web graph and for any dangling node (0 out-degree node) v, edges from v to all nodes of the web graph are added to P. I is the identity vector. damping(t) is a function, and for Google’s computation, damping(t)=(1-a)a^t, where 1-a is considered as the probability of breaking out in the famous random surfer model and a=0.85 is suggested. We can say the PageRank of a page is collected from its supporters, which have links to it directly or indirectly. It is observed that spam pages collect their PageRanks from close supporters (spammers usually set up thousands of supporting pages), which are within a short distances. The motivation of Truncated PageRank is to make close supporters’ PagaRank contribution small. A simple means is to set damping(t)=0 for small value t, say t < T. If a page’s PageRank and Truncated PagaRank have a big gap, It is likely to be spam.
  • Estimation of Supporters
    A supporter of distance D is a page which has a shortest path of length D to the target page.This idea is based on the same intuition as Truncated PageRank that spam pages have a different supporter distribution. The numeric feature to be used is the so-called bottleneck number,
    Bk(x)= Min{ | supporter(x,j)|/|supporter(x,j-1)| , 0<j<=k} which indicates the smallest increasing rate of supporter numbers from 1 to k. The real challenge comes from the computation and it’s impossible to calculate exact supporter numbers within a given distance for each page. Some probabilistic counting method is employed here. A basic idea is to generate a bitmap for each node each bit of which is set with probability e, and run D Bellman-Ford relaxations, where the relaxation for each a–>b is to make bitmap(b)|=bitmap(a). Finally, we can estimate the supporter numbers by the bitmaps. The basic algorithm may not work well, and some refinement is used, for example, run multiple times of Bellma-Ford using different e.
  • Graph Clustering
    The intuition is that closely connected pages (hosts) are similar.
    One method is to cluster pages(hosts) and use the labeled pages in each cluster to predict the whole cluster. For example, if the average spam probability of the cluster is larger than a predefined threshold, then the whole cluster is predicted as spam. If smaller than another predefined threshold, then the whole cluster is predicted as non-spam.Another method is so-called Stacked Graphical learning. Say we have a learning algorithm to predict each page’s probability of spam, then we calculate the average spam probability of each page’s neighbors( in-link, out-link or both), and use the value as a new input feature to construct another supposed more powerful learning algorithm.
  • TrustRank
    Instead of detect spam, TrustRank is used to recognize non-spam. If the surfer breaks out to a random page according to some pre-defined probability distribution A in the random surfer model, the described previously PageRank’s formula can be generalized as PR(P,A)=Sum{ damping(t)/N * P^t * A | t=0,1,2,…}. Making entries of Acorresponding to some trusted pages non-zeroes and others zeroes, we would get so-called TrustedRank. If a page is not linked by some trusted pages directly or indirectly, it would have a low TrustedRank.Picking up and labeling seeds are very costly. Some tricks can be used to select more efficient seeds to cover more pages. For example, select pages with large inverse PageRank. A large inverse PageRank indicates a page links to many pages directly or indirectly.
  • SpamRank (BadRank)
    The idea is similar to the TrustRank, but the restart distribution A indicates probability of spam pages. It looks like propagating spam probability through in-links.
  • SimRank
    A general measure of similarity between objects using relations. It has a recursive definition
    S(a,b) = C/| Neib(a)|/|Neib(b)| * Sum{ S( c,d ) | c in Neib(a) & d in Neib(b) }
    where Neib(a) is the neighbor set of object a. The neighbor relation can be defined arbitrarily, e.g. web page’s out-linked pages. C is the damping factor. The base case is S(a,a)=1.The underlying intuition is that if two objects’ neighbors are similar, then the two objects are similar too. In terms of a random surfer model, S(a,b) can be considered as the expected hops two surfers will need to meet, if at each step them both move to one of the neighbors of the current objects. More precisely speaking, S(a,b)= Sum { Prob(P(l)) * C ^ l | l=0,1,2,…} where P(l) is a path of the graph G^2 ending with some node [x,x]. Due to the computational space and time complexities, there are some randomized algorithms to approximate SimRank.

R tips

  • data=read.table(“file.dat”,header=true,sep=”,”)
    file.dat is
    data$A refers the column named “A”,…
    read.csv(“file.csv”) reads csv file.
  • data1 <- edit(data) : edit your data in a UI. It’s pretty cool.
  • par(mfrow=c(3, 2)) : show 2X3 canvas. The succeeding painting function will fill up the canvas.
  • plot(data$A): plot points (1,data$A[1]), (2,data$A[2]) …
  • plot(data$A,data$B): plot points (data$A[1],data$B[1]),…
  • hist(data$A): histogram of data$A

Min hash outline

Min hash is an implementation of Local Sensitive Hash. We have a set of binary vectors from a high dimensional feature space. The similarity between two vectors is defined as Jaccard similarity: Jaccard(V1,V2)=| V1 & V2 | / | V1 | V2 |. We want to find pairs of vectors of high similarity.
To avoid the time consuming pairwise similarity calculation, a heuristic method is to generate a group of hash values for each vector and only calculate similarities of pairs of vectors which have at least one hash value in common. Min hash is such a hash function, Hmin(V)= min { i | V[P[i]]=1 }, where P[] is a random permutation of features. Min hash function has a good property that
Prob{ Hmin(V1)=Hmin(V2) }=Jaccard(V1,V2). The property guarantees that we wouldn’t miss many pairs.


  1. Tor project下载一个tor浏览器。(需要翻墙……)
  2. 解压后用脚本start-tor-browser启动tor浏览器。
  3. 在出来的control  panel的Setup Relaying–>Network 勾选”My ISP blocks connections …”。
  4. 发送标题为”get bridges”的邮件到bridges@torproject.org获取三个bridges地址和端口。将bridge通过control panel地址加入配置。
  5. 连接成功后会出现tor浏览器自带的firefox浏览器。
  6. 可以使用其他浏览器,只需要配置代理服务器Localhost:8118
  7. 最好使用如下的自动代理配置脚本。
    function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
    if (
    dnsDomainIs(host, “facebook.com“)||
    dnsDomainIs(host, “twitter.com“)||
    dnsDomainIs(host, “appspot.com“)||
    dnsDomainIs(host, “blogspot.com“)||
    dnsDomainIs(host, “wordpress.com“)||
    dnsDomainIs(host, “torproject.org“)||
    return “PROXY“;
    return “DIRECT”;